Tuesday, June 25, 2024


2024 everywhere singing NU U and music presentation of the REAL NU AEGIS or freedom trust beauty in our ARTS or hearts SHOWING this ongoing LIVE EVENT with the REAL NU GUIDES and TRU BEINGS OF LIGHT whomever wherever and whenever the song is sung or the birds are aware... the star rock legend story is on the PLAYLIST of HEY PANEAGLESONG yutube and various places such as

and participants are invited to make songs or sing or play along or create as they will they're own version of the star rock movie and the real story of what happened in the theatre of URTH and the NU UNIVERSAL SOUND...
HEY paneaglesong from the TREASURE TREE Gjesus Exegis MUSIC 24 STAR ROCK SONGS Peter Adams 2:07 STAR DATE DEC 27 SOLARIS and the NU ARC NATURAL WORLD Peter Adams 3 4:42 STAR DATE OCT 8 2023 Solaris BEAUTIFUL paneaglesong Peter Adams 4 4:55 STAR DATE NOV 23 SOLARIS DIAMOND IN THE OCEAN paneaglesong Peter Adams 5 7:04 SOLARIS STAR DATE NOV 12 FREEDOMCALLS paneaglesong Peter Adams 6 5:19 STAR DATE sept 27 SWEET WATER FALLS paneaglesong wildstock concert Peter Adams 7 5:07 SOLAR IS TODAY Nov 26 SHINE LIKE THE SUN and HOW CREATION WORKS Peter Adams 8 9:08 BEAUTIFULUV LOVE IS REAL STAR DATE HEART SONG Peter Adams 9 3:57 STAR DATE DEC 4 THE GREAT ATTRACTOR ECLIPSE 2021 Razor's EDGE Peter Adams 10 3:43 STAR DATE JANUARY 7 2022 S0LARIS Enevergreen and the SOLAR suppression Peter Adams 11 5:26 SOLAR TODAY SHOW NOV 13 Make no mistakes paneaglesong Peter Adams 12 5:36 SOLARIS TODAY NOV 30 NU SEE ARC SONGFORLOVE paneaglesong Peter Adams 13 4:59 STAR DATE dec 29 SOLARIS Bright river paneaglesong Peter Adams 14 6:25 STAR DATE DEC 22 BRIDGE TO EVERMORE day of the MASTER NAVIGATOR Peter Adams 15 3:41 FLYIN 2 Peter Adams 16 5:59 Fisherman's song written in one take lyrics and all STAR DATE Peter Adams 17 5:24 IS-SOLARIS NOW nov 20 SUN REDIRECT paneaglesong Peter Adams 18 7:16 STAR DATE DEC 13 EXEGIS AND THE NU AEGIS Paneagle Songwriter Peter Adams 19 4:00 Feel Your Own paneaglesong freeseum Peter Adams 20 3:05 STAR DATE January 18 REAL SOLARIS and NU SUN Peter Adams 21 3:24 Skywalk we of love verse 1 Peter Adams 22 4:34 GOLDEN paneaglesong greatest hits EXEGIS first album Peter Adams 23 43:48 Live in beauty BEAUTIFUL paneaglesong and H.D.Thoreau TALK Peter Adams 24 4:44 STAR DATE NOV 22 WATER on the WIND EULOGY Paneaglesong for the LOST ONES Peter Adams 25 1:01 Golden Gabriel's Horn MAGICAL moment in NU ARC CITY Peter Adams 2:54 ACAPELLA GOLDEN StarRock Central Park Diamond song Peter Adams

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

WILDSTOCK 11 star rock legends paneaglesongs

WHO ARE THE STAR ROCK LEGENDS we know the JIMI HENDROCKS AND JON LEANON LEGEND SONGS th=e MICK JAGGED and the STEVIE KICKS where BEYONCE off th=e wall and REAL PAUL MCROCKNEY SINGS th=e STAR ROCK LEGENDS all returned to SAVE THE WORLD from the STAR ROCK CRASH meteoric genocide human extinction event SEERS AND BE=URS we are US USA USSA AMERIA AMER NU AM and the NU WAVE world wide educators WWWE when in the first days the star rock legends returned to sing in the great rock canyon for rock ruler of the star rock world in th=e time when we were all connected to the earth nature universe and tru reality LIFE IS O Real speakera and genus genusis gesus by the sound vibrations and the golden songs THIS SUMMER is th=e GREAT STAR ROCK WILDSTOCK CONCERT LIVE traveling enever band and sound of silence homeward bound imagine all along the watchtower from NU ARC CITY TO THE GOLDEN GATE and floriva gardeden blue pott springs and BAJA NUEVO CALIFORN-i-A
MODERN RAP SERIES and folk country rock blues 25 PLAYLISTS of HEY PANEAGLESONG the video recording series by hey paneaglesong made instant daily song recordings to sing perform share and say

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Star Rock NU Arc Waves StardayZ June 12



D'ESTINY DOUBLE TRILOGY novel and MORE NU ARC D'ESTINY A HERO'S JOURNEY of PANU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6Kz4ABmN3Q&t=226s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0001XOAXe1c&t=812s DID YOU GET A BIRDIE ON THAT LAST HOLE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ae1UNOEohE STAR ROCK NU WAVE SONG FLAG ZONES IN NU AMERIA Paneaglesong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HepO2Ewtls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cornHGM9ylU&t=29s SUMMER SONG PART 2 AND 3 INSTRUMENTAL ELECTRIC NU WAVE
STOP USING YOUR MIND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wB2BZAUDRdg

Tuesday, May 28, 2024


2022 WILDSTOCK CONCERT for real freedom....greatest concert ever This is the real and ongoing a great SOUNDTRACK MOVIE presents THE STAR ROCK LEGEND www.solrocker.blogspot.com HEAR THE SOUND and LIVE IN THE REAL UNIVERSIS We shared this previously in 2019....The CONCERT FOR REAL FREEDOM DAY 13 OF 30 COUNTDOWN TO WOODSTOCK 50th anniversary From the WOODSTOCK REGENERATION THE STAR ROCK EPOCH and LEGEND Story of the ISTORY of the ROCK PEOPLE music by eric johnson trailoftears live john lennon Acapella Woody Guthrie Thislandisyourland Inverse goyourownway fmac and Ambient Tones inverse

its called COSMIC EGG SOUP... let me tell the story... of the way back machine when the star rock painters painted the story of the original peoples and the ISTORY continues when the star rock legends gathered to play original music for rock ruler of the world. at the great rock canyon... when all the real beings of light and stone were all connected to all IS with the natural environment, that it was this singer named FLAVA VOLCANA who wrote songs and wanted to go to compete at the great concert... she had dreamed of her father and others who were with them in the great rock painting cave describing the true story which she wanted to sing about... so she journeyed to the grand rock canyon and Joyn'ed in singing but she lost to the NEVERVANA KROCK CORAIN and the lost drocks band while she also learned her father had passed back in NU ARC CITY where she had lived ... so she went on the vision quest for the real art of sound and light and so went across the great ocean to AYERS ROCK in AuSTRAIL-AH l IS LAND and met the FUBBI QUANTZ who shared her the dream visions of the real ISTORY and the REAL UNIVERSIS.. where she was became aware then and was presented the purpose to do the great wildstock concert to save the world in her NU arc city.. the threat was from the star rock crash (event of extinction) coming to the world by creating or sharing the real vibrations of the sound and NU U U with all the other star rock legends and wonderful sings like john leanon me and jimi hendrocks or bop DIS-LAND but the concert did not work to stop the star rock crash as it sent all the rock people back into the earth and the souls who had lived then were turned to stone, only to be recreated or enlivened into the new souls born into so many bodies in many lifetimes .. to learn to become again aware of the true being ISNISS it was the living water as they say being carried by ALL SOULS or beings who were to be aware and become the aware or living ones.. as we each are entirely given to this .. SO the star rock painters took time out from the dinosaur eating practices to hear the song and present the ISTORY on the ROCKS.. story by ADAMS (a first man aka Peter * the rock) SMILE... it was this story of rock APOCALYPSE and current ARMEGEDDON is a creation myth leading up to modern times with all the returning disciples and apostles reborn who would become the NU U and ALL AH AWARE... THAT IS the real purpose of all those old stories and legends which are no more or matter not.. except as we use them to become in our own to be the aware of ALL IS... THIS IS THE D'ESTINY POST E-BOK part 6 www.solrocker.blogspot.com

Thursday, May 16, 2024


would you like to see or hear my music vision story and e-bok STAR ROCK LEGEND AND THE D'ESTINY ISTORY You may also visit the SOLROCKER.BLOGSPOT.COM where i have the musical lists and best with ideas and suggestions and the orpheus story the STAR ROCK LEGEND is a really CUUL creation myth story  on the HEY PANEAGLESONG PLAYLISTS  I have a very good CD and box sets and an especially good CASSETTE collection i BUILT this as an idea of a ROCK FREESEUM but of course few want to visit a collection house, they all listen to the music on CD or SPOTIFY and although his is fun, it is also digital, not as good. My vinyl of the era late 60's early 70's is the records of the star groups who fleetwood cream allmans dead rockstadt etc etc. . My vinyl is good but it's more for those who listen or want to save the music, I dont care if the cover is not perfect, its not really for buyers to make money on re-selling albums for cash.  Lately the market for vinyl has kind of bottomed out except those buying the new generation of albums very costly...that is the old recordings everyone has either bought up or collected has died out just as the .flea markets are, dying.. .with america along with it.Its sad to watch as the youth dont hear hendrix... and dont have any real idea about john lennon much either..  I am also the PREDICATOR able to predict the lottery exponentially... really good..  ALTRUISM LOTTERY PROJECTI look for investors or players but also give the numbers winning daily or weekly on big drawings freely by email or phonethe idea is create a fund or trust we can all share, and also release from this terrible condition of control economics and buying and selling each otherwhich is why I suggested free or trade.. but maybe it can be more generous on both sides.....ALTRUISM ..    I also need someone who can download and compile the catalog of music recordings videos on youtube and on my computerthat would be a great help.. I have gone to new york and sing ACAPELLA or with guitar on recordings and at imagine circle or the angel fountain, times square, etc.. youtube  playlist STAR ROCK and EXEGIS and NU ARC SYMPHONY others on HEY PANEAGLESONGsongs such as GOLDEN BEAUTIFUL or DIAMOND IN THE OCEAN, NATURAL WORLD, WONDERFUL and othersno interest in fame idol notability by society or otherwise recognize as a personality or being sold marketed etc... This has killed all the others. thirdly, I am the ONLY SOLARIST on the planet, the SOLARIS OR SOLASTRY SOLAR ARTS  (more than Astrology)it is the actual positions of the SUN and I use it like Einstein did to prove relativity by predicting lottery. IT WORKS.i combine it with the STAR GPS as a planetary global positioning system WHAT PEOPLE DONT KNOW...  is we are mult dimensional and have at least 5 bodies or part of ourselves (mind body emotion causal and solar body)So I have found how the stars suns and our own relativity to this ALL IS... you can call or visit  and this is jennings florida   border of georgia on hwy 75...38six 20five 4753 Paneaglesong Peter Adams   

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Slide on the NU ARC paneaglesong STARDAYZ April 21

APRIL 21 STARDAYZ SUN TAURUS 2 SOLAR LEOPARD #10.. universal 5 pisces the creative artistry and playful SOLAR (creative light) ARTS Solar UNIVERSAL SOL sign CANCER LEO is the SIRIUS DOG STAR group URSA MAJOR golden bear afternoon of PARTY, FUN and LION hearted good will ambassadors moon LIBRA the GEMMA and moon STARS porrima and vindematrix pour your love and beauty shine like the SUN share and give yourself to ALL Be a Gemstone go beyond our overt self-identity and vindicative vanity SOCIAL WELFARISM APRIL DAYS OF HOPE inspiration individualism activism physical self expression TORUS the BULL old Astrology IS highlighted but is actually losing its hold on control let go the bull sh*t of the past ideas restrictions and lower laws PANEAGLESONG SLIDE ON THE NU ARC Paneaglesong for every day with the STARDAYZ Light signs and SHARE STARDAYZ gives the song and the sight sound with the daily SOLAR POSITIONS announcing the NU AEGIS has begun and with the JUPITER CONJUNCT URANUS a great movement world wide to create a non-government organization of UNITED FREEDOM for people interactive unified cooperative independence the NU 12 year cycle in the SIGN TAURUS to GEMINI and the ACAPELLA STAR VISION NUETIC communication education and real learning of the WWWE WORLD WIDE EDUCATORS BUILD THE NU URTH and SEE the NU WAVE of the REAL UNIVERSIS with the NU SEERS will be leading us to 2036 and the end of the OLD AEGIS Panu aka paneaglesong shares E-BOKS THE SOLARIS REAL UNIVERSAL SOLASTRY and the STAR ROCK LEGEND ROCK MUSICAL