Tuesday, May 28, 2024


2022 WILDSTOCK CONCERT for real freedom....greatest concert ever This is the real and ongoing a great SOUNDTRACK MOVIE presents THE STAR ROCK LEGEND www.solrocker.blogspot.com HEAR THE SOUND and LIVE IN THE REAL UNIVERSIS We shared this previously in 2019....The CONCERT FOR REAL FREEDOM DAY 13 OF 30 COUNTDOWN TO WOODSTOCK 50th anniversary From the WOODSTOCK REGENERATION THE STAR ROCK EPOCH and LEGEND Story of the ISTORY of the ROCK PEOPLE music by eric johnson trailoftears live john lennon Acapella Woody Guthrie Thislandisyourland Inverse goyourownway fmac and Ambient Tones inverse

its called COSMIC EGG SOUP... let me tell the story... of the way back machine when the star rock painters painted the story of the original peoples and the ISTORY continues when the star rock legends gathered to play original music for rock ruler of the world. at the great rock canyon... when all the real beings of light and stone were all connected to all IS with the natural environment, that it was this singer named FLAVA VOLCANA who wrote songs and wanted to go to compete at the great concert... she had dreamed of her father and others who were with them in the great rock painting cave describing the true story which she wanted to sing about... so she journeyed to the grand rock canyon and Joyn'ed in singing but she lost to the NEVERVANA KROCK CORAIN and the lost drocks band while she also learned her father had passed back in NU ARC CITY where she had lived ... so she went on the vision quest for the real art of sound and light and so went across the great ocean to AYERS ROCK in AuSTRAIL-AH l IS LAND and met the FUBBI QUANTZ who shared her the dream visions of the real ISTORY and the REAL UNIVERSIS.. where she was became aware then and was presented the purpose to do the great wildstock concert to save the world in her NU arc city.. the threat was from the star rock crash (event of extinction) coming to the world by creating or sharing the real vibrations of the sound and NU U U with all the other star rock legends and wonderful sings like john leanon me and jimi hendrocks or bop DIS-LAND but the concert did not work to stop the star rock crash as it sent all the rock people back into the earth and the souls who had lived then were turned to stone, only to be recreated or enlivened into the new souls born into so many bodies in many lifetimes .. to learn to become again aware of the true being ISNISS it was the living water as they say being carried by ALL SOULS or beings who were to be aware and become the aware or living ones.. as we each are entirely given to this .. SO the star rock painters took time out from the dinosaur eating practices to hear the song and present the ISTORY on the ROCKS.. story by ADAMS (a first man aka Peter * the rock) SMILE... it was this story of rock APOCALYPSE and current ARMEGEDDON is a creation myth leading up to modern times with all the returning disciples and apostles reborn who would become the NU U and ALL AH AWARE... THAT IS the real purpose of all those old stories and legends which are no more or matter not.. except as we use them to become in our own to be the aware of ALL IS... THIS IS THE D'ESTINY POST E-BOK part 6 www.solrocker.blogspot.com

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