Friday, September 24, 2010


Long ago, among the stone people, the Soul Rockers lived, and among them the twelve disciples of Rock. Big Rock was coming towards Earth, and so the rock legends of their time were brought together for one final hall of fame concert. Along with the veteran rock rollers was James Crown, Jimi Hendrocks, Crock Berry, Mick Jagged, Neil Rockalong, Simon Garockul, Tom Rutty, Kid Rocker, and the King, Elvis Pressure, alongside Krock Corain and a new hot female rocker, Flava Volcano.

The concert was famous all the world round, for the vibration of sound reached all the points of the globe. The aim was to deflect the star rock who had been given the concert vision by her visit to Big Rock. It seemed possible, but in the end, the space rock came and ended most life on Earth, including the living rockers who had once been above ground. But they had taken the sound underground, and within the rocks was the secret. This secret would be reborn in the living people who walked the earth, and especially to those who knew the secret of the sound. These were the reborn, the modern disciples of Rock, who brought with them the spiritual truth of rock. This was always a vision of freedom and the music of life, that through the sound in the spirit, we all may know the true history of rock, of man, and of the world, and the way of true spiritual freedom as well.

So here is the Soul Rocker, in the great Heart and Soul of Rock, as told to you by Paneagle, aka Peter, the namesake who will, like all of us, forever Rock On.

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