Friday, December 24, 2021


Dec 24 STAR DATE THE LAW OF GOD, MAN AND THE ECONOMY OF SILENCE How GESUS RETURN is here NOW How Gesus Return is HERE NOW How GESUS return is NowHERE It all depends on your point of view What you emphasize and what you agree to So its our CHOICE what we do or will agree to All you really have to do is LISTEN The LAW OF GOD is a man made concept The past is dead Religion is dead College is dead Science is dead Everything is dead because the only living thing is NOW This is the TRU REALITY LIFE IS Introducing the SHAPLEY ALTERNATION.. where is SHAPLEY and does it represent the 4th dimensional pull on the 3rd dimension relativity of this local universe SHAPLEY is #e 87 Sylvia h 11° 7' 2 which is 11 scorpio century and the year of 7 sagittarius..thus every yearly cycle of SHAPLEY AND ANDROMEDA ARE ALWAYS UNITED. Our human way is always to become united with ALL IS and our true nature, naturally and simply, this is enever process just as EN NU IS so Andromeda and our Galaxy are also always moving to Union, not social or spiritual distancing or some universal void we will never escape from. We must also note the BETELGUESE STAR which is changing its sign to 0 CANCER in the current century, this red giant planning the biggest supernova of our millennium in the next 100-1000 years Shapley is conjoined the Messiah at 2 libra this month, and so brings about our RELATIVE assignment of being aware of the PULL OF THE 4TH DIMENSIA on Man and his social culture media program Generally the world population is glued to the media of news and information being provided or controlled by the googly maniinsanity mersick and foodbank corporation economics It is also no accident the winter Olympics in China of 2022 clearly are at odds with the covidity problem and coordinated world control effect we have seen since 2019 TAKE THE JOURNEY BACK INTO THE FUTURE NOW How Time waits for no one, and the current REALITY is being created now The future long has been calling us here, as it always will, depending only on our recognition of it The major aspects of the GODZ AND OUR SOULAR URTH “HOW THE UNIVERSE LOOKS IN 2022” In 2022 The GALACTIC is 27 Sagittarius, 10 Libra, the Great Attractor is 14 Sagittarius, and 10 Aries, while the Messiah is 2 Libra and 16 Leo and the Andromeda is 28 Aries 10 Sagittarius The major aspect trine of GTCenter GAPrime and ANDromeda at 10th degrees is the mutuality of a DIVINE TRIANGLE that is the great DIVE-IN or Divisor between this Universe and the REAL UNIVERSIS So we can see the Major change when the galactic center approaches Capricorn in 2200, as well when the POLARIS NORTH STAR is closest to the Peak Polar North in 2100 AD More closer to home, ANDROMEDA also turns to TAURUS, the Tau or Gaia Terranism of Earth control battle and ALIENATION of about 2150 AD, thus this is the CONSCIOUSNESS SHIFT or First Galactic Union We can mark the paths of history in these cycles of 72 years per degree, and 1 degree per year primarily, and also as each changes sign every 2100 years and also every 360 years or so The major century events are the Union or oppositions and conflicts of the yearly to century positions. The major is also ANDROMEDA will join the Great Attractor in 4 years for one year in 2025 This has in human terms the voice of the feminine or vote election United States with female candidates (possibly 2) and the beginning of the NATIONS UNITED or a One world government We should also visit planets to these positions, primary conjunct-opposition of Uranus on USA descendent in 2026, almost as if AMERICA becomes a NU COUNTRY or a true Global Partner //THIS with other continental nations like Canada and Mexico, because of the Internet and the 5G electronic network. Not at all out of the realm of possible, we shall see. Uranus will also oppose the GREAT ATTRACTOR at 2026-2027 and then the big opposition of the GALACTIC CENTER In 2030, this keeping with the CONTROL AGENDA map of 2030 illuminati projections, not very fsvorably that AI TECHNOLOGY implantation of a genome code or the VAX issue of covidity and its hidden micro tech programming “CHIP” which allows a mind body takeover system to be implemented The following opposition of the ANDROMEDA to the GALACTIC CENTER is in some 13 more years (2037-2038) possibly relating the idea of a coming MESSIAH or Universal takeover of the ALIEN republic The Messiah actually will reach itself at 3 Libra 3 Libra some 46 degrees hence the 40 years from now (2060) highlights the social network of humanity in a One world order or republic of the MESSIANIC complex. We can relate this to the CHINESE *sun in libra and ALIEN 6th root race of man as HEAD RACE (lice or alien eyes) which could become the ruling nation of the world, which is clearly the Chinese objective. The entire MESSIAH in Libra prospects will complete in the 36 year cycle of 2010-2046, and this social institutioning complex being built, leading up to a one world government of some kind. The other major planet position is the ANDROMEDA and Pluto alignment in ARIES which also will occur in this century, nearer to 2070 I suppose, a great challenge of the DARK FORCE and ALIEN republicana nation Whether this is the end of Mankind or a TRANSFORMATION of human origin and nature into an AI or android equivalent is also yet to be determined, depending on man’s choice and revelations. Are we not devo? That is will we allow this robotic dominion to become the saviur of technology or the removal of its age old determinism forced or will fully produced by the ALIENATIOn mind set Sabian for this 4 libra is A GROUP AROUND A CAMPFIRE….INSPIRATION OF GROUP CONSCIOUSNESS The advantages of group endeavour go beyond synergistic efficiency; sometimes inspiration leads us to a UNIVERSAL POSITION which we share with other UNITED or FUNCTIONAL relations. The UNITY OF 4 LIBRA might be also a TAKEOVER ACCEPTANCE, rather than a inwardly directed context of union or relation, it is a relative overlord or OVERVIEW of an ALIEN NATION which is in cooperation a possession of human domination. YEARLY CYCLES AND THE SABIANS There is also the change every 13 degrees which takes about 11 years in each sign also represents some decade or so Formerly the sabian of 1 libra about 150 years ago, . PHASE 181 (LIBRA 1°): IN A COLLECTION OF PERFECT SPECIMENS OF MANY BIOLOGICAL FORMS, A BUTTERFLY DISPLAYS THE BEAUTY OF ITS WINGS, ITS BODY IMPALED BY A FINE DART. KEYNOTE: The immortal archetypal reality that a perfect and dedicated life reveals. THE DART IMPALED IS AN ALIEN DOMINATION OR CONTROL TAP LINE FROM THE 4TH DIMENSIA institutionally directed around or in the 1800’s Following this was the 2 libra "The light of the sixth race transmuted to the seventh" 2 Libra Clutch in Inspiration: While shifting gears in a manual transmission, a brief period threshold shifting occurs while the clutch is engaged… THE 6TH ROOT RACE IS THE CHINESE, and is a musical harmonic of some intensely directed insanity or strange foreign vibrations becoming seat of power THE SOL life PROJECTION is the SECOND DEGREE OF the SUN and it is a degree per year progressed through 1 sign every 30 years, and the 13 days of the SOULAR SUUN also is 13 years each sign …..So we share this example SUN 17 GEMINI at birth (conjunct Rigel) then proceeds through Cancer in mid life and now 18 Leo at age 60, passed through Pluto and a karma or spiritual revelation both in 2001-2010 and proceeding to Virgo as passed my ascendent in my 60’s and opposition my north node in Pisces both of my marriage but also the spiritual awakening release of mysticism and religion and the world wide WAKE UP CALL But there is a second progression of the Moon which is a day for a year in SOLAR DEGREES, thusly my Moon at 5’14 Gemini progresses in 1 day for 60 years as to 17 gemini 22’ in 60 years This SOLUNAR progression is tantamount to our EMOTIONAL or Astral projection of a lifetime human experience, which really should be longer than 60 years In My case at age 70, I went from 14 aquarius to Pisces and then through Pisces to Aries and Taurus completing itself in This progression also went from 5 Gemini through Aldeberan Star to 17 Gemini as a youth and now conjunct Rigel in my 60’s founding SOLASTRY And as it progresses towards Cappella, the chariot messenger which I am not becoming and AM as the One Universal Galactician Solarist STAR DATA OF OUR SUN DEC 24 #c *Galactic Center g 8°56'18" A Sun j 3°34'31" 4 1° 1' 7" 0° 0' 0" N 23°23'21" S B Moon f 10°27'27" 12 12°45'13" 5° 8'29" N 12°24' 0" There is but one SUUN and its REALITY IS : THIS IS HAPPENING NOW The Galactic center is 26 virgo and the SOULAR is 18 Leo in the big dipper or GOLDEN BEAR SUUN THE UNIVERSAL is 14 Aquarius as the NU UNIVERSAL SUN GOD The AMERICAN holiday of Christmas for all mankind in its ALIENATION process SOLUNAR day of the VIRGO with the MOON in Virgo of the OWL and healer doctor shaman of Chiron This keeps most at home and visiting family with technology and not risking death or disease or the Omicron (OH MY GON) Version expands AS SATURN SQUARE URANUS and the WORLD SAT-TURNS (ALIA-NATION) THE OH-MI-CON COVIDITY AGENT(DUH) of CHRISTMAS THE CAPTIVE AUDIENCE LOCK BOX TV TRAP DOOR PRISON PLANET The Owl MICHAEL JACKSON sings of HUMAN NATURE and the prayer LUV is Magical to his family praying for help for ALL mankind These are not or never were heard because they pray to the 3 headed Universal God that is the good bad and ugly of this dimension Except on the most basic level of humanity where some indeed wish to be really aware and not worship the ALIEN SPACE GOD WARSHIP IT really is very simple, like jingle bells and Santa Claus represent the TV SHOW FANTASY Holiday STAGE 2 of the AGENDA 2030 from the 2001 9/11 to 2012 to 2021 VIRTUAL REALITY become the Reality we are experiencing, like the SIMULATOR MODAL of MATRIX RESURRECTIONS Where the Smith White cop con Morpheus black Fishborn and Neo (Nero Keanu Nero godman) find themselves again in escape or threat mode This movie which is released on CHRISTMAS in theatre and Max MEDIA blockbuster at $5 per house for AMERIZONIA (verizon-Amazon) Coup THE HYBRID reptilianism (ALIEN REPTILIAN) is hypo-chondria (Chiron Hypnotism) of Man through 5G media and Hypno-therapy This is the severe threat to man nation and planet and the battle of control or dark lord corporations vs. freedom and universal ISNISS How many will see this ALIENATION experiment and the HUMAN CON-dition or know the TRU REALITY LIFE IS This is the REAL AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY at its high, AI or artificial intelligence and the IMPLANT genome VAX-SIN-NATION This is no RUSH TO JUDGEMENT (Day) but the real appeal to NUMANITY to get off the old pot and STOVE of the BURNING MAN The age of aquarius is here as JUPITER at 30 Aquarius leaves the current year at the same time it sweeps into PISCES review of AEGIS PAST The REAL NU AEGIS is here always on while this observation of past positions and ancient Sumerian Gods and Solar Planet Lords continues

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