Saturday, March 5, 2022

Amazing grace WILDSTOCK CONCERT electric STAR DATE march 5 2022

Amazing grace electric verse 3.25 part 1S GESUS HAS RETURNED EINSIGN IS BORN PANU IS HERE WILDSTOCK WEEKEND II MARCH 5 2022 THE CONCERT OF OUR LIVES CONCERT FOR LIFE love freedom and TRUTH presented byby HEY PANEAGLESONG SONNET OF THE EXEGIS One II III and 7 song sets SEED'S Once I was Peter Pan Make no Mistakes When Elvis was King The day Tom Petty died Always on Beautiful Comin a Long Time Diamond in the ocean Flyin Golden Heavenwards IT IS Listen to your Sun More than a dream Pure water Real Life bright river Seven heaven I have had 3 loves 3 wives 3 lives 3 hearts 3 songs 3 minds 3 Earths and 3 souls to know the 7 Solar-IS realms 3 Soulars 7 planets and 3 godz All this is vanished all this is gone all this is present all future is now now take to the real life take to the real sun take to the real side to the god the good and the guud od each sol solar and sun we touched the humanity we touch the sky we touch the earth trial and trail and time time is disntanced, sspace is god the world never existed until we become to be aware recognize and intend the real light sound and love these rhymes rhythms and reasons are all wrapped up this song the tru reality life is, there is one and its reality the tru reality life IS Once I knew Jesus, and met with Einstein I know George Washington and Joan of Arc I've had life and love and laughed in the prison with the poor those all arrested confined or enslaved in the rich man's kingdoms of soars the burden and war and famine and drought and flood and scorn the many tribulations the little frights and the lost musics of rock Armegeddon the d'estiny double trilogy sage light and exis ISTORY's written 100 books and 500 songs ato the end of the DAYZ when light illuminated mankind who now so deeply lost his way these time passages are not worthy of the original song yet the wildstock woodstock and jimi hendrocks playlists live on these lennons dylans and princes are no longer the great stars yet they do shine like the SUN from the real side looking on for this is the GREATEST CONCERT and the Heavenly song not for the feint heart to risk ALL to release all creations of our own this is dancing in in the kitchen and the song of the seven verses the end of lifetimes and the beginning of the NU Aegis Ah Jesus Genesis and the reincarnation of the eternal innever band the living in a great truth and with the tru reality Life is This SONNET is a message a story and a wonderful song sound of music doctor zhivago and the lawarence of Arabia tomes hearing not the past movies music or theatre alone but the reel to real message of the entirety whole and fully aware each moment of drifting are you EXP in the ladyland Axis bold to cry of love each moment of dreamin is a real door to the portal of the Sun the magical mystery tour across the universe and strawberry fields where we crossed abbey road at the elysium paradise solarium gardeden blue waters spring song callin whale caretakers on the NU ARC with the eye of the dolphin in the spirit of the suwannee floriva heart Beyond now the Lanikai the oceanus and the river of stars long past the end of dayz and the bible mystery which is no more where once the Annunaki the ageis Dei and the Aposthos swarmed like the bees to honey and the angels sirens and ladies in waiting the souls and swords and swans drowned in powers and play toys but to become peterorisis RLStevenson Chaucer or Nustaradamus the adventure of lost Gold for Cortez spanish steal the riches long ago mined humane slavery in pyramids and gobi desert mine fields then this alienation and covidity experiment of the illuminati reptilians beyond the field of light is ALL IS and through the heaven gate IS ALL where the tunesmith sing and play with the great AUTHOR writers reborn on the real side we all are and this discovery shared with the ONE the maidens mothers and daughters all with the bold NU-NU NU-AMamani and the REAL LIVING ONE this prayer not nor chant nor tomb is THE NU URTH in the REAL universis HERE NOW STAR DATE MARCH 3 5 2022 709 524 MOON IN ARIA the Hero (Heroine) Solunar Cancer sunrise of the Lark Heart and Soul solunar sunset Leo day yof play fun and wonder The SOULAR wake of the flood on the NU ARC libra gemma and the diamond Crown of thorns the cross to bear the burden of awareness to be so bold wildstock concert and the 3 5 8 fibonacci day of the SOLAR CROSS Archenar the SUN and JUPITER to Join and so JOYN the venus and mars conjunct also rise into the eagle STAR OF ALTAIR and the dawn of the NU AEGIS and the end of Aquarius AEGIS IS ON the Amazing grace and SUUNAR sound of the Dragon come in be zaptized in the hol aters and Floriva treasre tree as the Spring Azaleas bloom and invitation to everyone everywhere plant a seed plant a tree sing a song and discover REAL NATURE NU ITS A HAPPY NU DAY everday and this especially HAPPY NU YEAR NEW WORLD IMPROVEMENTS SUNNETS by HEY PANEAGLESONG

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