Sunday, August 13, 2023


I see your better and got you on the week of the WOODSTOCK return and WILDSTOCK revival 2023 AUGUST 16 THIS WEEK with the NEW Moon in LEO .. lets take a look at it, because it was the opening door 60's of the 60's on now and you need a REVIVAL too. now WOODSTOCK as we all know was the gathering of all the FREE lovers SOUL SINGERS AND great MUSICIAN artists and people the first world wide LOVE PEACE music event so I created WILDSTOCK AUGUST 2019 woodstock regeneration MEDIA with a 21 day countdown series videos of the concert to save the world as celebration... SO these videos and productions were like posters describing a possible return of the STAR ROCK LEGENDS Jimi Hendrocks Mick Jagged LINDA ROCKSTADT and Paul McCrockney John Leanonme and a cast of thousands meaning US to raise the GOOD VIBRATIONS.. or stop the crash of the planet under the dark lord or world controllers or whatever it is creating or working this horrendous stuff like COVIDITY and your illness as a very good example...this is a great example and you have a great forum for REVEALATIONS and SOUND LIGHT wonders which I think also the WILDSTOCK and WOODSTOCK IS, .. I am and HEY PANEAGLESONG yutub...with over 500 original songs in RAP BLUES ROCK FOLK JAZZ COUNTRY or videos on youtube including the STAR ROCK LEGEND and announcing the NU AEGIS even though it seems clear it is not being well received and the people in majority are in ILLUSION or IGNORANCE of the TRU REALITY we could create, myself included..SO i asked you if you want to talk or do a podcast on it, or even do an event on AUGUST 16 or 17 which can share the WOODSTOCK regeneration at least, if not the WILDSTOCK gathering of people on your podcast as I think all of us clearly see the DRAMATIC threat to our life well being and good will in current events such as MAUI FIRES or GLOBAL WARMING or PSYCHOTIC REACTION in the MEDIA MONOPOLY and GOOGLY EYED BOZO BHELLGATE MURDOCKTERS I think the reason you got sick was partially a cleansing and also an attempt to get you off the good track which they can never really do, but it sure seems apparent the NEED OF A REALUTION, Oh yes you know people all got to let it be and BE THE SINGERS..SEERS AND SPEAKERS however they may wish and will ... PLEASE REPLY and let me know you have some interest in some form of a real celebration or PRESENTATION POD which will not stress you out as it could be an event of peace love freedom and truth in music BY THE winged horse PEGASONS...of the UNIVERSAL SONG....I would do another podcast or music event WILDSTOCK 2023 even as I do not get hardly any views or comments I keep sharing this anyway,,, BEST WINGS MAN ... I thank you for what you are doing...IT IS GREAT...

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