Saturday, February 12, 2022


WILDSTOCK 2022 WOW WOODSTOCK 50 PREVIEW CONCEPT VIDEO WILDSTOCK BEST 10 FREEDOM CONCERT FOR PEACE This video was banned by youtube for music copyright 60 years on STAR DATE feb 12 709 914 5.10 Center g 9°14'10" A Sun k 24°25' 1" 4 1° 0'39" 0° 0' 0" N 13°22'56" S B Moon d 14°11' UNIVERSAL DAY OF THE CAT the LEO LION and THE AXIS BOLD AS LOVE SOLAR RISE AM PISCES SUUN OF THE WHALE CARETAKING SOLAR SET PM ARIES SUUN of ANNA sings the song of ARIA active independence In the movie Frozen, we find the SINGERS looking for the great white hope of love and caring for the ICE and NATURE people While most of the world is caught in the DIE-SNEZEEYesque copyright of the SNOW WHITE ruled world EURA-ASIA money lords ESCAPE appears to be impossible, and the freedom concert goes unheard, while the MEDIA sends out THE OLYMPIC dream Millions are locked In their houses in world ruler CHI-NAY with mask ONS which is metaphor for prison planet adultery and ManINsanity CORPORATION Here we are the captive audience watching the TV EVENT of the WORLD geno-cide ending armegeddon of MANipulation Watching the sports and gulf foosball and snow water-boarding without real compassion or concern for the natural environment or the covidity experiment The broadcast from the most polluted and populous BAY OF CHING Where they/we won’t allow their people to speak freely or go against the PRO-TAO-CALL And the RUSA-IONS are once again vilified with illegal drug infamy advantageous but still represent the ROC (russo olym-pic committee) Here the five nations (circle symbol) of the OLYMPICS becomes the media money machine of the AM-EURA-PSION prison planet monitors Who continue unabashed undisciplined AI intelligence maneuvers while we SPY THRILLERS of MANILA keep twitter talk chat and fakebooking And no one is LISTENING or RESPONDING to this WORLD WIDE WAKE UP CALL in the one way street to Bhell-Gate MANinsanity Suckerborg Murdockter Bozzos Musket Amerizonia JUST AS Pan Gesus Einsign speaketh and shares the 21 DAY COUNTDOWN of the WILDSTOCK concert and NU UNIVERSAL DAYZ of MARCH 5 2022 event for BURNING MAN TREASURE TREE RAINBOW TRIBE NU FRIENDS AND IS-ALL-MANS REAL-LEGIONS to PLANT A TREE GROW THE SEED’S SAVE THE WORLD SHARE THE EARTH and BUILD A UNITED NatUre-ALL NU-URTH as we may Find the SOLARIS realm in the Real UNIVERSIS discover the NU U SONG and become the true NUMANITY WATCH THE 21 DAYS OF WILDSTOCK VIDEOS and the STAR DATE SOLARIS show on and SOULAR 10 LEO THE UNIVERSAL BEARCAT SNAKE and MOON CANCER CANCARE STARS SIRIUS AND CANOPUS There is a real concern for the earth and NUMANITY here and now Concerns for family women children matriarchy of CARETAKING NURTURING and SECURITY Sirius and canopus are the two brightest stars in the night sky and opposite in hemispheres but conjunct at 14/15 CANCER This oppositions rests in the world polarity of North and South, Russia and America West and China ASIA east It is a union of opposites in the bi-polar human pollination and the POLL-IN-ACTION attempt to control humanity since DAWN OF MAN The Sabian 25 Aquarius TAKE A BREATH ENJOY THE SILENCE There is the one and ITS REALITY IS to DISCOVER THE REAL UNIVERSIS Simply try this SPEX do the NU U U song and watch your dream visions

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