Saturday, February 5, 2022


Feb 5 star date Zabian 17 aquarius AQUARIUS 17 A watchdog standing guard. Cap SOULAR day of the dolphin Solunar sunrise Capricorn the dolphin and earth caretakers solunar sunset aquarius the winged horse and freedom songs the MOON in aries the HERO (heroine) activism and the social cultural movement to save numanity FEB 5 SOLAR EDITORIAL the WILDSTOCK EVENT WILDSTOCK plant a tree FOUNDATIONS OF seeoceanis EVENT needs sponsorship or TREE PLANTERS THE WILDSTOCK BURNING MAN RAINBOW GATHERING TREE PLANTING FLASH MOB schedule location FLORIVA TWIN RIVERS PARK ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,THREE BLUE SPRINGS AREA founder hey paneaglesong of the TREASURE TREE A DAY WHERE EVERYONE PLANTS A TREE or gathers to TALK ABOUT REAL FREEDOM saving NATURE and DOING WHAT WE CAN FOR THE natural environment CONCERT STAGE is NATURE ITSELF with a global local post in FLORIVA between the WITHLACOOCHIE and the ALAPAHA at the SUWANEE RIVER BASIN respond email and we do a daily show on the NU AEGIS NOW on SKYPE ZOOM Z PLAN to do this EVENT 3 times a year in march july and october building momentum and real permission of real authority which is US ourselves peter is PANU with NU U U presentations and WWWE world wide educators EVERYONE BEGINS TO COME OUT OF THE HIDING PLACES The covidity box trap IS LIFTING slightly, despite the increase in numbers As the man made VAX TAX AND MAXimum percentage of hostile entrapment continues There is a growing movement of freedom people and human tribal disunity with the authority program There is our natural inclusion rate of people under the influence of the Kaluum warship ALIENATION And this includes the SUN SATURN group of human combatants and resistors and solar acceptors The program is naturally devisive at at the same time modulates man to his own decision and activism It goes with WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH AND WERE NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE But to be truthful, very few get this entirety and simply go with the social cultural movements These will never be enough to realize the extend of enculturation or indoctrination which exists The planet is headed for the 2025 river of man control station agenda and 2037 three days of darkness Which includes the 2030 agenda program ALIENATION and AI global takeover Korporate SMART CITY junk land With at lease one global effect volcanic eruption and one meteor crash As well as the 2120/2150 6th extinction event possibility alongside the potential NU-UNIVERSAL NUMAN URTH revealation of the NU AEGIS NOW

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